Library 2, Item ID: 78490

Title:Convention between His Majesty, in respect of the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and India and the President of the Portuguese Republic Supplementary to the Extradition Treaty of October 17, 1892 With Exchange of Notes
Relation:UN Registration United/0: 141 267||none
Relation:Treaty Series 028/1933: Cmd. 4401||/pdf/1933-TS0028.pdf
Relation:PRO (now TNA) FO 93/77/104/0: 0||none
Relation:Treaty Series 039/1934: Cmd 4809||/pdf/1934-TS0039.pdf
Relation:Treaty Series 056/1937: Cmd 5654||/pdf/1937-TS0056.pdf
Relation:League of Nations Treaty Series 141/267/0: 0||none
Relation:British State Papers (BSP) 135/338/0: 0||none
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