Library 2, Item ID: 75914

Title:Convention between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and His Majesty the King of Denmark and Iceland in respect of Denmark Supplementary to the Treaty of March 31, 1873 regarding Extradition
Relation:PRO (now TNA) FO 93/29/70/0: 0||none
Relation:UN Registration United/0: 169 337||none
Relation:Treaty Series 008/1936: Cmd. 5172||/pdf/1936-TS0008.pdf
Relation:Country Series 001/1935: Cmd. 5046||none
Relation:Treaty Series 034/1936: Cmd. 5376||/pdf/1936-TS0034.pdf
Relation:Treaty Series 056/1937: Cmd. 5654||/pdf/1937-TS0056.pdf
Relation:Treaty Series 075/1938: Cmd. 5930||/pdf/1938-TS0075.pdf
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