Library 2, Item ID: 74311

Title:Convention between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and the United States of America extending the period for Accession of British Colonies and Possessions to the Convention of March 2, 1899, relative to the Disposal of Real and Personal Property
Modified Date:2/12/2019
Relation:British State Papers (BSP) 95/114/0: 0||none
Relation:Hertslet's Commercial Treaties 23/1153/0: 0||none
Relation:Canadian Treaty Series 190/336/0: 0||none
Relation:United States Treaty Series 402/0: 0||none
Relation:PRO (now TNA) FO 93/8/94/0: 0||none
Relation:Treaty Series 011/1902: Cd 1073||\pdf\1902-TS0011.pdf
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